This post applies natural language processing, machine learning, and data visualization to examine how word usage differs between Donald Trump and Barack Obama. I employ a number of excellent R libraries to download tweets, clean the associated text, and predict authorship based on word choice.
Downloading Data
The twitteR library makes it easy to download tweets through the Twitter API. To access Twitter’s API you need to create a new app using Twitter Application Management. Once you have created an app, you can find the needed credentials in the “Keys and Access Tokens” tab. Now we can connect to the Twitter API using twitteR:
consumer_key = Sys.getenv("TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY"),
consumer_secret = Sys.getenv("TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET"),
access_token = Sys.getenv("TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN"),
access_secret = Sys.getenv("TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET")
## [1] "Using direct authentication"
After connecting to the API, downloading a user’s most recent tweets is a snap:
trump <- userTimeline('realDonaldTrump', n = 3200)
obama <- userTimeline('BarackObama', n = 3200)
Under the hood, the userTimeline()
function is hitting the statuses/user_timeline API endpoint. “This method can only return up to 3,200 of a user’s most recent Tweets. Native retweets of other statuses by the user is included in this total, regardless of whether include_rts
is set to false
when requesting this resource.”
Cleaning Data
To start let’s create a data frame containing tweets by Donald Trump and Barack Obama.
raw_tweets <- bind_rows(twListToDF(trump), twListToDF(obama))
The tidytext library makes cleaning text data a breeze. Let’s create a long data set with one row for each word from each tweet:
words <- raw_tweets %>%
unnest_tokens(word, text)
Let’s remove common stop words:
words <- words %>%
anti_join(stop_words, by = "word")
Let’s also remove some additional words I’d like to ignore:
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
words_to_ignore <- data.frame(word = c("https", "amp", ""))
words <- words %>%
anti_join(words_to_ignore, by = "word")
Now let’s create a wide data set that has one row for each tweet and a column for each word. We will use this data to see which words best predict authorship.
tweets <- words %>%
group_by(screenName, id, word) %>%
summarise(contains = 1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
spread(key = word, value = contains, fill = 0) %>%
mutate(tweet_by_trump = as.integer(screenName == "realDonaldTrump")) %>%
select(-screenName, -id)
Word Clouds
The wordcloud library makes it super easy to make word clouds! Let’s make one for Trump:
words %>%
filter(screenName == "realDonaldTrump") %>%
count(word) %>%
with(wordcloud(word, n, max.words = 20))
And one for Obama:
words %>%
filter(screenName == "BarackObama") %>%
count(word) %>%
with(wordcloud(word, n, max.words = 20))
It looks like most of Barack Obama’s tweets are from 2016, while Donald Trump’s tweets have been more recent:
ggplot(raw_tweets, aes(x = created, y = screenName)) +
geom_jitter(width = 0) +
theme_bw() +
ylab("") +